These past few days (published weeks after the fact), the patterns in that the clouds make in the sky have been amazing.  The mornings will dawn with pure shafts of golden light and a freshly lit blue sky.  After the initial pureness of the new sky, wisps of white will drift like scarves lightly across it, with puffs of conjured white floating into view.  There are larger patches of clouds, towers whose tops are blindingly white, white beyond this world, but which hidden from easy view by the dark and ominous underbelly that drifts across the surface of the sky.

By the afternoon, a warm and oft humid day has powered more towers into rising, smoke that boils into clouds out of nothing, dark mist that spreads across the sky.  There were still towers and breaths of brilliant white puffs decorating the sky, and the underbelly of clouds that promised rain with their dream-blue.  Here and there there were bits of autumn azure sky peeking through the weave of the clouds.  It’s always stunnning to see so many types of clouds sharing the same sky.

As the sun falls lower, some of the puffs of vapor take on a purple tone, like a brighter version of the dreamy blue.  They mingle with the background of pale clouds stretched across the sky as dimness begins to descend.  The whole world has a hazy quality that mirrors the cloudy veil upon the sunset.  Near the actual setting sun, however, the sky is clearer and there is more daring to the patterns the clouds make, with conformity to the typical not a concern in the brilliant light shining through thin points in a lone, large rain cloud.  The rest of the cover seems also to coalesce around the horizons, leaving only the thinnest of inconsistent veils upon the center of the sky.

Night falls, and the show seems over.  But with the rising of the moon in a brilliant pure beacon of night, the puffs are lit by that ghostly light.  It is remarkably easy to make out their form, yet despite the clarity of light, the persistent darkness has a vague quality that paints everything in both mystery and peace.